If you use Telegram because it is more secure than WhatsApp, be careful with the links you click: they could include a virus that steals your data Telegram is getting very popular. Perhaps not as much as WhatsApp, but enough so that the undesirables that wreak havoc on an app decide to do so as their main alternative as well. It turns out that Telegram can also be the source of viruses for your mobile or your computer. Whether you use the app or the PC program, you must be very careful with the links they send you and the…
Author: News
Enjoying a good book is not synonymous with spending money, having to provide your data or giving up your privacy as payment. The Internet works like a large public library where it is possible to find hundreds of thousands of books in Spanish for free and completely legal. Hundreds of thousands of books are available on these pages for completely legal download Next, we show you five websites where you can download hundreds of thousands of books without having to pay and without having to fill out a registration form on their websites. The pages that we show you below…
Word Coach is a tool from Google that allows you to train English vocabulary. It brings a Quiz with words, where you need to hit the correct option to score. The feature is free and can be used as many times as you want. Today TecMundo teaches you how to use the tool on your phone (iOS or Android), without the need to install a specific application. Check out: Using Google Word Coach To access Google Word Coach, first open your phone’s browser. Then type: “Google Word Coach”. A screen will appear with the first question out of a total…
Servers are the machines responsible for providing information on the websites and services that we access over the internet, that is, they are the computers and systems that store the information accessed whenever the user makes a request through browsers and online services. What is Apache Server? In addition to dedicated operating systems, servers use software that interfaces between the server and the user, and it is exactly for this purpose that the Apache software was developed. It is very popular with web developers and has become one of the most used worldwide. Extremely competent and versatile, Apache is software…
These are the steps you should take into account to ensure that the item you are about to buy is not a fake Phones, headphones, accessories, chargers, smart watches, masks and even fake vaccines. Every time it seems that it becomes more difficult to buy online and receive an original product. The problem of acquiring a fake is not only aesthetic or functional, it can also pose a health risk, as is the case with fake masks or imitation mobile chargers. According to a 2018 report from the US Government Accountability Office (GAO), counterfeit iPhone adapters and chargers can pose…
Humans were super predators for about 2 million years, according to new research that rebuilt the nutrition of our Stone Age ancestors. Only the extinction of larger animals (megafauna) in various parts of the world and the decline of food sources for them towards the end of that stage, led humans to gradually increase the plant element in their nutrition, until they had to become farmers. It is the conclusion of new research, published in the Yearbook of the American Association for Physical Anthropology by Miki Ben-Dor and Ran Barkai, from Tel Aviv University, along with Raphael Sirtoli, from the…
Singapore. Talking about carnivorous plants manipulated at a distance or vegetables that warn when they are affected by a disease does not refer to a science fiction film, but to the work of scientists who experiment with new systems to communicate with these beings. In Singapore, researchers connected plants to electrodes capable of detecting the low electrical signals that plants naturally emit. They used this technology to make a flytrap dionea close its two-lobed “jaws” when a smartphone emits a signal. They then attached one of the lobes to a robotic arm to grab a half-millimeter wire and then a…
Mexico City. With the hashtag #instagramdown, thousands of users on social networks reported the fall of Facebook, Instagram, Facebook Messenger, even WhatsApp worldwide. Users on social networks reported the fall of Facebook and its associated platforms worldwide. According to reports from Downdetector – a site that reports failures identified by users in real time – interruptions to technology platforms began shortly after 4 in the afternoon. In the past 30 days, two massive glitches have been reported with Facebook and its associated platforms. One last April 1 and another on March 19. In their Twitter accounts, none of the companies…
Razer has announced the launch of its new range of Razer Blade 15 and Razer Book gaming laptops with Spanish keyboard configuration. It is the first time that they adapt their keyboards to our market. The gaming accessories brand has finally adapted its hugely popular laptops to the Spanish configuration The company has been selling other gaming accessories in our market for years, fully adapted, and considers that this is mature enough to start selling its flagship products. The more powerful laptop of the two would be the Blade 15, which has several 15-inch display options available, integrates 11th generation…
WhatsApp prepares an important battery of news in one of the most delicate moments in its recent history The messaging application that, by now, could almost be considered a social network, does not stop growing and adding news. Surpassing 2,000 million users, WhatsApp takes into account the applications that could compete with it, such as Telegram or Signal. For this reason, some of the functions praised by the users of these other messaging applications are appearing little by little in the one that is owned by Facebook. 24 HOUR MESSAGES Currently, the messaging application already has the option to write…