If you use Telegram because it is more secure than WhatsApp, be careful with the links you click: they could include a virus that steals your data
Telegram is getting very popular. Perhaps not as much as WhatsApp, but enough so that the undesirables that wreak havoc on an app decide to do so as their main alternative as well.
It turns out that Telegram can also be the source of viruses for your mobile or your computer. Whether you use the app or the PC program, you must be very careful with the links they send you and the chats you join, as they can spread viruses that, in the right circumstances, can access your device, steal information and affect their operation or even render them unusable.
cybersecurity firm Check Point
As reported by the cybersecurity firm Check Point, the particular nature and operation of Telegram as a platform and as a service favors the appearance of some programs that can sneak into your device and take control without permission and without your noticing.
In the last three months, a multitude of attacks have been discovered with a virus of the ransomware type called ‘ToxicEye’ capable of stealing information, sending or deleting files, stopping processes on a computer, hijacking your camera, your microphone and using them to record images and video and can also encrypt files and then ask for money to unlock them.
The worst of all is that it is a virus that chains infections. A Telegram bot (a very popular tool within the application) can infect a person or a chat by entering a chat and getting someone to open a file or even making a call.
To check if you have been infected on your computer, you can check the directory ‘C: /Users/ToxicEye/rat.exe’. If you have this folder and file on your computer, you will not only have to delete said folder and files, but also investigate with a professional or specialized tools if there are other routes or files or programs affected. The removal process is not simple.