When it comes to customizing our desktop, we have to take into account a few things. For example, our wallpaper is somewhat peculiar. I can spend hours looking for a wallpaper that is interesting and attractive, but at the same time does not distract me from the things I have to do – I have spent an entire afternoon searching for “options” on Wallbase. To save ourselves all this work and still have a personalized wallpaper, we can choose to download Kuvva, an app for Mac, Windows and mobile phones, as well as social networks, which allows us to modify our wallpaper every couple of days.
Under the slogan of “visual awesomness”, what Kuvva does is present us with a gallery of different artists, photographers and graphic designers who upload their work to the site. When we download the app, we are giving it permissions to change our wallpaper. It works for both PC and Mac, and the designs are excellent. In addition, when we have the app downloaded, we can select between our personalized collection of favorites (this is done precisely by selecting favorites from the Kuvva website) or from the weekly collection, which focuses on a single artist. I recommend the latter, so we are always pleasantly surprised.
Kuvva’s say their goal is “to turn dead space into creative space.” If we are designers or illustrators, we can submit our work to be added to the Kuvva catalog. For example, this week the selected artist is Carlos Alberto, a native of Caracas, who is currently on my desk with some impressive images of deserts. Last week, however, the selected artist played with violet patterns and colors in interesting ways. We will never get bored.
Besides Mac and Windows, we have the option to install Kuvva for our Twitter account. With just a couple of clicks we can have the same visual genius not only on our desktop, but also on one of the most used social networks. If we do not use a desktop client and we usually manage through the Twitter web, it will also be a way to keep things interesting. Kuvva, of course, is not the only wallpaper manager that exists on the internet, but it is one of the simplest and allows us to manage our preferences with ease. Also, the art they present is great.