On the occasion of the launch of the Online Master in Audiovisual and Video Game Script, the School of Journalism and Communication of Unidad Editorial organizes the online conference “ Do you want to be a screenwriter? The objective is to delve into the world of the script and how the situation of the sector is in Spain at a professional level. For this, specialists in different fields such as video games and cinema will participate.
The conference, which will be held on Monday 14 at 19:30, will be attended by youtuber Samuel Molina ‘FuKuy ?, live designer at Cloud Imperium Games, professor of the Master and “an inveterate gamer”. He will present his vision of the script when it comes to enjoying a video game and will comment on some titles that have stood out for telling a good story.
The script is a fundamental part of all audiovisual work and a fundamental sector in the Spanish video game industry
Likewise, Juan Ramón de Somavía, co-writer of the series `Señor, give me patience? Among other titles, who will analyze this profession from the cinematographic field and Lorenzo Torres, director of the program and professor at the Rey Juan Carlos University, who will talk about other branches that include the world of script: communication and advertising.
The master’s degree, organized by the URJC and the School, will be taught for one year and students who request it will be able to carry out professional internships in companies for a maximum of three months. It starts in January 2021 and has scholarships and grants of up to 25%.
The students will receive each month the visit of a professional in the sector with extensive experience to develop a training workshop. If you are interested in attending the event next Monday for free you can register here.